[via Laurie Atchity Dressman]
SUPPORT MY WALK SEPTEMBER 24th [via Story Merchant Client Lisa Cerasoli]
The Alzheimer's Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s™ is the nation's largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer care, support and research.
Since 1989, this all age, all-ability walk has mobilized millions to join the fight against Alzheimer’s disease, raising more than $347 million for the cause. Events are held annually in the fall in nearly 600 communities nationwide.
For more information contact the Greater Michigan Chapter at 800-272-3900.
Follow This Link to visit my Lisa's personal web page and help in her efforts to support Alzheimer's Association Greater Michigan Chapter
Our Man in Moscow [via Erin Calmes-Keta]
You can still make money doing business in Russia, says Jere Calmes ’92, just not in the same wild ways
By Peter van Dyk
Photographs by Erin Calmes-Keta
When a capitalist country was born out of the remnants of the Soviet Union two decades ago, many adventurous young Westerners found an unlikely land of opportunity. One of them was Jere Calmes ’92 — and he has now spent most of his working life in Russia. It is still, he says, a land of opportunity, even if the opportunities have changed.
In well-appointed offices behind the unobtrusive front door of a renovated period building less than a mile from the Kremlin, Calmes says Russia’s healthcare sector is ripe for investors to make money, and he’s putting together a private equity fund to do just that. It’s a far cry from what he found in Moscow a few months after graduating from Bates in 1992 with a political science major and a secondary concentration in Russian.
“It was a crazy time when you could do almost anything you wanted to,” he recalls. “Everybody was doing anything. You didn’t need money. You just needed an idea.”
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