Artist Creates Secret Sidewalk Art That's Only Revealed On Rainy Days

There are plenty of cliches about finding the sunshine on a rainy day, but this sidewalk art is not one of them.

Designed and produced by artist Peregrine Church, Rainworks is a special type of street art that appears on sidewalks only when they’re wet. The works include hopscotches, whimsical illustrations and uplifting messages.

“The purpose of Rainworks is to turn rainy days into something to look forward to,” Church told The Huffington Post.

sidewalk art rain

sidewalk art seattle artist

Rainworks appear in various locations around the Puget Sound region of Washington.

To create the artwork and happy messages, Church uses custom-made stencils and a non-toxic, biodegradable superhydrophobic coating. When dry, the designs remain hidden, but as the sidewalk gets wet during a rainfall, they slowly appear. Church says the designs work best on newer, light-colored concrete where there is a more visible contrast between wet and dry.

“I look for and brainstorm messages that are positive and inspiring, or clever and witty,” he told HuffPost.

sidewalk rain seattle

Currently, Rainworks are being produced exclusively in Washington, but Church hopes to make the project global. “It’s something I do to make the world happier,” he says.

Reposted from the Huffington Post

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A Clydesdale's Journey | Budweiser Super Bowl 2022

 The Clydesdale-canine duo never disappoints.

The duo's 2014 Super Bowl ad captured America's heart when the dog ran away from its new owner just to find the horse, who had been missing his friend and staged a coup with fellow horse mates to get the dog back. The ad ends with the pair playing together as the two owners watch them.


In Budweiser's 2015 Super Bowl commercial, the dog returns to the farm after being lost for some time and is confronted by a wolf. A group of horses, led by the horse, break out of the barn to save the dog and they run up to the farm house together.