Funniest Yard Signs

Just keep moving along…

via: Ranker
Seriously, unless you have cookies, your services are not needed here. Just move along.

via: Ego TV
One man’s crap is another man’s crap being sold in a garage sale a couple of years down the road.

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Talk to the Animals ...

Communicating with animals is almost like a superpower. We can communicate with domestic animals, but when it comes to other species, it seems quite impossible. But Anna Breytenbach is an exception. She is an interspecies communicator and claims that she can relay messages to animals. It seems farfetched, but the following video speaks for itself.

This video shows Anna communicating with a black leopard named Diablo. Diablo was the one cat that refrained from getting out of his enclosure. He snarled at anyone who walked by. After a while with Anna, she reported that he was angry because of his previous bad experiences with humans. After their session, there was a total change in his behavior. His handler was left in tears because of this!

His Holiness Pope Francis on Power and Humility

A single individual is enough for hope to exist, and that individual can be you, says His Holiness Pope Francis in this searing TED Talk delivered directly from Vatican City. In a hopeful message to people of all faiths, to those who have power as well as those who don't, the spiritual leader provides illuminating commentary on the world as we currently find it and calls for equality, solidarity and tenderness to prevail. "Let us help each other, all together, to remember that the 'other' is not a statistic, or a number," he says. "We all need each other." 

I feel you Ambassador Dermer ...

Watch Israel Ambassador Ron Dermer (right) facepalm while President Trump tells a room of Israeli officials in Jerusalem: "We just got back from the Middle East".

Source: The Guardians of Democracy

Yiddish Curses for Republican Jews

  • May you sell everything and retire to Florida just as global warming makes it uninhabitable.

  • May you live to a hundred and twenty without Social Security or Medicare.

  • May you make a fortune, and lose it all in one of Sheldon Adelson’s casinos.

  • May you live to a ripe old age, and may the only people who come visit you be Mormon missionaries.

  • May your son be elected President, and may you have no idea what you did with his goddamn birth certificate.

  • May your grandchildren baptize you after you’re dead.

  • May your insurance company decide constipation is a pre-existing condition.

  • May you find yourself insisting to a roomful of skeptics that your great-grandmother was “legitimately” raped by Cossacks.

  • May you feast every day on chopped liver with onions, chicken soup with dumplings, baked carp with horseradish, braised meat with vegetable stew, latkes, and may every bite of it be contaminated with E. Coli, because the government gutted the E.P.A.

  • May you have a rare disease and need an operation that only one surgeon in the world, the winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine, is able to perform. And may he be unable to perform it because he doesn’t take your insurance. And may that Nobel Laureate be your son.

  • May the state of Arizona expand their definition of “suspected illegal immigrants” to “anyone who doesn’t hunt.”

  • May you be reunited in the world to come with your ancestors, who were all socialist garment workers.

Ramblings and readings of Rabbi Aaron Spiegel

The Good Ol' Days? The Year was 1955, ONLY 62 YEARS AGO! [via Nina Reznick}

I never thought I'd see the day all our kitchen appliances would be electric. They're even making electric typewriters now. 

The fast food restaurant is convenient for a quick meal, but I seriously doubt they will ever catch on. 

No one can afford to be sick anymore. At  $15.00 a day in the hospital, it's too
rich for my blood. 


When I first started driving, who would have thought gas would someday cost 25 cents a gallon?  

Did you hear the post office is thinking about charging 7 cents just to mail a


Un-Civil War between Our Two Americas by Kenneth Atchity

Walls we don’t see are often stronger than walls we see. Election after election, the blue-red map clearly shows these United States of America are united by fable only, and in nearly every other way really are two Americas.

Rejiggering the Electoral College won’t alleviate the situation because (a) the Electors actually serve an important purpose, as long as the country is configured the way it currently is; and (b) neither Party can achieve the reconfiguration: the Party in power will not allow it, and the opposing Party won’t have the votes to make it happen. Anyway it won’t solve the deep schizophrenia manifest in the concept of a single America, one perhaps so endemic that the founding fathers were also struggling with it.

Conservative America

Today the walls are pretty well-defined. “Conservative America” is by far the bulk of the American land mass. It extends from Florida north to North Carolina and west to the border of California (with the quirky up jutting of New Mexico and Colorado). It includes the entire South and Midwest, and Alaska.

Conservative America is the land of apple pie, of lawn and porch flags, picnics in the park, Christian churches disseminating not only platitudes but also attitudes that hold society together focused firmly on the past and therefore worshiping old-fashioned conservative values, homogeneity —and fierce nostalgia for the way things were and are supposed to remain. Hospitality yes, tolerance not so much. Feminism is viewed with alarm, and the “right to life” outweighs a woman’s right to choose and control her body and her future. Though diversity has made fiscal inroads in nearly every state of Conservative America, it has not found a permanent place in the minds and hearts of the folks, mostly white, in control. Conservative America is the birthplace and habitat of the Tea Party and of the right to bear arms at all times.

I was born in one Conservative American state, Louisiana, and raised through high school in another, Missouri. The population of the thirty states that comprise Conservative America is around 100,000,000, or 1/3 of the whole. Conservative America, because it occupies more States, has more Electors.

Progressive America

Since I drove away to college at Georgetown in D.C. at the age of seventeen I’ve lived in Progressive America ever since: Connecticut, California, and New York. Progressive America occupies the entire Pacific coast from California, with Hawaii by extension—to Washington, and the blue islands of Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico surrounded by the red sea; on the northern border, Illinois and Minnesota; and, on the Atlantic, north from Virginia to Maine and west through Pennsylvania. You might argue that Progressive American is synonymous with urban America, and Conservative America with rural America. But it’s not quite that simple.

If Conservative America is the land of hard-headed practicality, Progressive America welcomes dreamers, many of them immigrants from Conservative America, and many of whose dreams seem to come true—and shape the world’s future. It’s La La Land vs. Hell or High Water.

Progressive America salutes the American flag and truly loves the idea of America; but it can also applaud turning that flag into panties, bras, and protest banners. The Progressive idea of America embraces the future, which it honors with hope and belief in the genius of the individual; diversity. It’s the land of civil rights most widely defined; of gun control; of visionary education, its leading universities including UCLA, Berkeley, and Stanford, Northwestern not to mention Harvard, Yale, Columbia, and Princeton; and of people who worry about global warming and try to do something about it.

Progressive America isn’t afraid of the word socialism because it’s understood to mean people showing their gratitude for abundance and their respect for others by making sure all citizens have an acceptable and meaningful life. While Conservative America fears immigration as a threat to its conservatism, Progressive America embraces immigrants as the defining reality of its concept of America, “land of immigrants.” The statue of liberty guards its coast and its citizens still adhere to Emma Lazarus’ verse:

…From her beacon-hand

Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

“Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she

With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Roughly two-thirds of the United States’ population, around 200 million people, live within Progressive America—2/3 of the whole.

The Dangers of Division

In each America live citizens whose hearts yearn, secretly or not, for the other America. Their exile is allowed, if they can bear it. If they can’t, they’re still free to cross from one America to the other.

Loquacious citizens of both Americas have hearts and minds that feel and think their views are superior to those of the other America. But most would agree there’s room on the continent for both Americas. Each is free to visit the other, as though we were the American Common Market.

Should we formalize the reality we all recognize and restructure things a bit so that Californians and New Yorkers, the leading states of Progressive America, can elect their own President to push their liberal, even socialist, agendas? Elections held in Conservative America would allow their President to maintain the conservative standard. Between the two Americas, trade would be arranged to advance the fraternal needs of both citizenries. Respect and civility would grow from the integrity of each America, to replace the hatred now streaming between them because of the deeply-held and media-reinforced belief on both parts that the “other America” is either evil or insane—or both. We could talk to each other instead of imitating the shouting mode of

I, for one, love both Americas, and would hate to lose either, or see violence between them extend from words to bullets.