Why you need to change your passwords [via DeCoursey]

WINDOWS:        Please enter your new password.
                 USER:                  Cabbage 
              WINDOWS:             Sorry, the password must be more than 8 characters. 

                USER:                  Boiled cabbage

                 WINDOWS:           Sorry, the password must contain 1 numerical character.

                 USER:                  1 boiled cabbage 
               WINDOWS:            Sorry, the password cannot have blank spaces  

               USER:                  50damnboiledcabbages  
              WINDOWS:             Sorry, the password must contain at least one upper case character 

                USER:                  50DAMNboiledcabbages
              WINDOWS:             Sorry the password cannot use more than one upper case character consecutively.
                USER:                  50damnBoiledCabbagesShovedUpYo urAssIfYouDon'tGiveMeAccessNow!  

               WINDOWS:            Sorry, the password cannot contain punctuation. 

                USER:                  ReallyPissedOff50DamnBoiledCab bagesShovedUpYourAssIfYouDontGiveMeAccessNow

                 WINDOWS:         Sorry, that password is already in use

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