Office Fish
This person asked their coworkers to help feed their fish in the office while they were stuck working at home. Not only did one person volunteer, but it looks like the whole office signed up to help! His coworkers, to his delight and amazement, took this seriously and kept track of it in a logbook.

It’s impossible to overestimate the importance of working with intelligent people. The logbook isn’t just cute, but an important safety measure alongside the note on the cup reading, “Please don’t overfeed.” The fish’s owner must have appreciated the level of care their coworkers put into feeding the fish.

Something as simple as a sticky note can make all the difference to someone going through a rough time. The coworker that left this note must have a big heart to recognize when someone isn’t happy but still respects their personal space with a small yet grand gesture.
I’ve Got You Covered
It took us a minute to process this image. Why is a construction worker digging a wholesome gesture? Well, take a look at the umbrella over his head. And, look at how it’s held up. This kind gesture deserves to be recognized.

You might not understand the caption “I’m a nice colleague” if you haven’t properly understood the image. A coworker came up with a way to protect their colleague from the elements while they were digging. We can only assume that the job required only one of them to be laboring outside, for this little setup to occur.
Birthday Work Pass
What could be a better birthday present than a free pass to get away from work whenever you want? Without thinking, we might choose this over a box of cupcakes However, we hope no one asks us to choose between the two, especially if the cupcakes are red velvet.

This is a fantastic concept for anyone who works in a shift-based environment. On your coworker’s birthday, you can give them an access card to use to get away from work. It’s crucial, though, that the receiver understands that the card is only good for the shift you’re willing to cover.
Memes From The Receptionist
This is by far the most amusing thing we’ve ever seen. This 66-year-old receptionist devotes their time and resources to making their coworkers happy. Even if work is chaotic, no one will be able to look at this and not grin. It reminds them that they are all in this together.

However, we’re curious as to what the employer thinks of this and other memes found on their receptionist’s desk. This is a fantastic way to get everyone in the office in a good attitude. We’ll always stroll past the receptionist’s desk just to chuckle if we work somewhere like this.
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