Without An Ulterior Motive!
It's refreshing to come across acts of kindness that are purely for the sake of being kind, and this note is a perfect example of that. The writer took the time to compliment the recipient without expecting anything in return, which is a rare and admirable trait in today's world.

It's heartwarming to imagine how much this simple note must have brightened the recipient's day, and it serves as a reminder that sometimes the smallest gestures can have the biggest impact. More people should take inspiration from this note and spread love and positivity wherever they go. The world could use a little more kindness.
Save The Squirrels
Although the woman's driving may have caused some damage to her mailbox, it's hard not to appreciate her compassion for wildlife. It's clear from her husband's note that she was trying to avoid hitting an animal, and that is definitely a worthy cause.

While it's unfortunate that her mailbox was destroyed in the process, it's reassuring to know that there are people out there who prioritize the well-being of animals over their own property. The note also shows that the woman has a supportive husband who is willing to take responsibility and make amends for the damage caused.
Number Two Emergency
Leaving a note was definitely the right thing to do, and it is good to see that this driver acknowledged their mistake. But, of course, it is important to remember that parking in a no-parking zone can still be a safety hazard and cause inconvenience for others. It is always better to find a proper parking spot or wait until one becomes available.

Hopefully, the driver was able to quickly finish their business and move the car to a more appropriate location. Let us all strive to be responsible drivers and considerate of others, even in urgent situations. And we will drink to that, when we get home, that is.
Bad Barista
It can be frustrating to pay for something and not get what you expect. While the note may come across as harsh, it's possible that the writer had received poor coffee from this barista multiple times before. It's also possible that the barista was new or in need of more training.

Whatever the reason, it's important for baristas and other service workers to strive to provide their customers with quality products and experiences. Hopefully, this note will serve as a wake-up call for the barista and encourage them to improve their skills. Because there is nothing worse than having a bad coffee in the morning.
Deserving of a Mean Glare
This note highlights the frustration of a kind-hearted individual who is trying to share free books with the community but is being undermined by one person's selfishness. But seriously, who would try to steal all of the books from a library?

The writer's appeal to fellow book-lovers to keep an eye out for the golden sedan lady and give her disapproving glances is both humorous and effective in making the point that this behavior is not acceptable. The note also reminds us of the power of community and how small acts of kindness, like sharing free books, can bring people together and promote a love of reading.
Free Labor
Shoveling snow is brutal. You are out there toiling with fingers that gradually go numb, but, you have no choice if you want to have a proper parking space. Can you imagine the horror of coming home and seeing that somebody has assumed your parking spot as their own? That must be very disheartening.

We must say, the note that they left the parking spot stealer is not as ruthless as it could have been. They could have even called the tow truck. We hope that this driver has the heart not to try to pull this move off again.
We’re All Human
The writer of this note seems to have a bit of a dry sense of humor. They’re politely but firmly telling the driver to be more considerate of others on the road, but with a touch of sarcasm. And while the use of “bloody sardines” may suggest a British origin, it’s also possible that the writer is simply a fan of British English or has spent time in the UK.

Regardless of their background, it is clear that they want drivers to remember that they’re sharing the road with other people who have their own schedules and destinations to reach.
Parking Blind
Leaving a rude and offensive note on someone’s windshield is never a good idea, especially when it involves making fun of someone’s disability. Comparing the driver’s parking to Stevie Wonder’s vision is not only insensitive but also inappropriate. The person who wrote this note could have simply expressed their frustration with the bad parking without resorting to such a hurtful comment.

Furthermore, assuming that the car belongs to someone with a visual impairment is not only presumptuous but also ignorant. Blind people can own cars and drive too, with the aid of specialized equipment. We should be more considerate and respectful of others, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.
Public Relationship Issues
The note suggests that the couple's relationship has deteriorated to the point where their arguments are loud enough for their neighbors to hear. The writer seems to be frustrated with the couple's behavior and implies that they need to work on their communication.

It's clear that the couple's issues are now affecting those around them, which is never a good sign. The thought of being the subject of gossip and scrutiny can be incredibly uncomfortable, and it's unfortunate that the situation has reached this point. Hopefully, the couple can find a way to work through their issues and bring some peace back to the building.
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