100-Year-Old Box of Negatives Discovered Frozen In Block of Antarctica’s Ice

Imagine discovering a 100-year-old box of photographic negatives frozen in the ice of Antarctica! That's exactly what happened to researchers at the New Zealand Antarctic Heritage Trust.

After being frozen for a century, the negatives had to be gently restored by first separating one from another, then cleaning, removing the mold, and consolidating the cellulose nitrate image layers. Only after this painstaking process were they turned into digital positives.

Cellulose nitrate negatives were found blocked together, so Wellington photography conservator have spent many hours restoring them until they revealed their secrets.

As stated in the Trust's media release, the box of photographs was probably left in Captain Scott’s hut by Ernest Shackleton’s 1914-1917 Ross Sea Party, an expedition stranded after their ship floated away to the sea during a massive blizzard. The group was finally rescued, but only after three men had already been lost.

Alexander Stevens on Aurora deck, chief scientist and geologist.

Iceberg and land, Ross Island.

Alexander Stevens on the Aurora.

Big Razorback Island, McMurdo Sound. It was most likely taken from the deck of the Aurora in January 1915.

This photo was taken from the deck of the Aurora looking South to Hut Point Peninsula.

See more images on the Trust’s website: nzaht.org (via: petapixel)

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