Harry and Snowman

 Pictured are Harry Deleyer and Snowman

Snowman was an old Amish plow horse that Harry rescued off a truck that was bound for the meat and glue factory for only $80. Less than two years after he rescued Snowman, they rose to become the national show jumping champions and were the Cinderella story and media darlings of the late 1950s and 1960s.
Very few horse stories have been able to truly touch the hearts of a nation. Red Pollard & Seabiscuit did it in the 1930s, Harry deLeyer & Snowman did it in the 1950s and then Ron Turcotte & Secretariat were the last to do it in the 1970s.

HARRY & SNOWMAN (the movie) will be the first time that Harry's remarkable and heartfelt life story will be told by 85-year-old Harry himself.

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