Three-time Olympian Kimia Yousofi is running for the girls and women of Afghanistan


Kimia Yousofi ran the 100-metres at the Olympics in a pedestrian 13.42 seconds, then spent so much longer than that in the mixed zone, delivering a poignant message of stolen freedom. That’s why she is here.

“I’m not for the result here. I’m here for Afghan girls. I feel responsibility for Afghan girls instead of Afghanistan because they can’t talk, they can’t have interview. They can’t do anything. They have to be silent. Why? No one can decide for others. I’m human. I decide what should I do. Not anyone else.”

On the back of her racing bib, she scrawled the words education, sport and our rights. She hopes that sign and her message resonates.

“I’m just saying that I think it’s true. I don’t know if it’s powerful or not. I’m not a politician. I’m not a politics person. I just do what I think is true. I can talk. I can talk with media. I can be voice of Afghan girls instead of Afghanistan.”

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