Funny Notes

 Sweet or Creepy

We’ll leave it up to you guys to decide if this “love note” from the guy in the blue shirt in class is very sweet or just plain creepy. Ultimately, we guess he’s trying to compliment the class hottie. In case the girl was confused about who wrote the note, it was from the guy in the blue shirt. No name required.

That being said, he might have slightly missed the mark with this one. Maybe going with “you look cute” or “would you like to grab a drink sometime?” would have been slightly more appropriate. But we could imagine some recipient's blushing at this cheeky pickup line.

Muffin or Doorknob?

If you have to lose a doorknob, might as well lose it to a neighbor who is, as he says, trippin’ pretty hard. The fact he thought it was a muffin instead of a doorknob has us dying to know what did he do with the knob once he had it?!

Try to eat it?! Realize immediately it wasn’t actually a muffin?! We have questions, and we must have answers! One thing is for sure, if you try to eat a doorknob, then you will probably chip at least some of your teeth if you do not break them completely.

Seems Uncalled for

There are two scenarios that usually occur when you see someone has left their car door open by accident. Scenario number one, they are a good samaritan, and they simply close the door. Scenario number two, they are not a good samaritan, and they steal all your stuff.


This scenario here is definitely an outlier. Why on earth would someone who sees an open car door leave a note that says...well...this? We can only imagine what goes on in the mind of this peculiar offender. If we were the driver, we would just go and buy another car.

Anonymous Words of Wisdom

Sometimes all you need is just a little pick-me-up. In this case, the pick me up came in the form of an anonymous note letting you know wherever you are in life is just fine. And to carry on the metaphor of the note. Life is like a puzzle. It is full of pieces that make up the entire picture, which ends up being beautiful.

We are all just kinda figuring it out as we go, and a little reminder you’re doing fine is always welcomed. People should leave more notes like this around. Either that, or they should leave some puzzles around for people to play. They are actually pretty fun to do.

A Very Polite Printer

There’s always something so charming about personifying inanimate objects. Whoever wrote this note made the printer seem like the politest old little guy who just doesn’t have it in him to keep going. After all, a lot of printers out there are, in fact, old, and being replaced by younger, more effective printers.

How could you be mad at the printer for conking out after 14 full years of service? We approve of this kind of note and think maybe people should use this approach more often with electronics. Either that, or the printer actually typed out that note himself as some sort of end-of-life malfunction.

If You Gotta Eavesdrop…

Eavesdropping can be an uncomfortable and even unethical practice, but sometimes it's unavoidable. In this instance, the eavesdropper went above and beyond by leaving a note that not only acknowledged their actions but also put a smile on the person's face.

Photo By Zoe Karbe

The eavesdropper's intentions were clearly good, as they wanted to give the person a vote of confidence during what seemed to be a difficult time for them. It takes courage to reach out to someone, even anonymously, and the eavesdropper deserves credit for their thoughtfulness. Leaving notes of encouragement or positivity for strangers can make a real difference in someone's day.

Understandable Quitter

It's a shocking and unsettling experience to be attacked by a drunk co-worker at work, and one would expect the attacker to be held accountable for their actions. However, in this particular case, that didn't happen, and it's understandable why the victim chose to call out their boss publicly.

It's not fair for the victim to continue to serve customers in an environment where their safety is compromised, especially if the attacker is still present. The victim's public call-out may have been the only way to draw attention to the situation and hold the employer accountable for their lack of action.

Facts are Facts

It's not entirely clear why the person who wrote this note decided to include a drawing of a dinosaur, but it does add a touch of humor to an otherwise straightforward announcement. Perhaps the person thought the cute dinosaur might soften the blow of the news that they are quitting.

Regardless of the reason, the note writer chose to stick to the facts and clearly state their intentions. The inclusion of the dinosaur drawing doesn't detract from the main message and may have even made it more memorable. In situations like these, it is important to be clear and direct.

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