Grumpy Cat's Disapproval
It’s hard not to be charmed by the cute face of Grumpy Cat! After all, we love cats as much as the next person. They're furry, calming, mysterious, and bring a lot of charm and warmth to any household. The important thing here is not to focus on that and miss the message completely.

Of course, Grumpy Cat is grumpy because he is calling someone out for snagging someone else’s parking spot. Big no-no. If Grumpy Cat says it is so, then it must be so. We hope whoever received this message got that point and immediately moved the vehicle. For the sake of the cat, at least.
The use of Post-It notes with the word "really?" printed on them has sparked some curiosity as to their origin. Did they find them pre-printed or did they create them themselves? Either way, it's clear that the dishes have been a recurring issue in the household, leading to the use of such notes. Perhaps the notes serve as a humorous yet effective reminder to those who leave their dishes behind.

It's understandable why the note-taker would feel the need to use them. After all, the lack of cleanliness can become frustrating and a reminder can be helpful. In the end, it's important to address issues like these in a calm and respectful manner, using creative solutions like these notes if necessary.
Some Sarcasm
A little sarcasm goes a long way. It can push the recipient in the right direct when it comes to understanding your point. But you don't want to go overboard with the sarcasm. It’s not just your simple request not to park too far out into the road. It feels more like a “did you really do that?” kinda thing.

On some levels, this stings more than just a polite note. It seems like the person who wrote it feels pretty justified in their complaint, so in a moment of anger, they wrote a passive-aggressive note. We can’t really blame them and we want to see more of this kind of language on notes in the future.
Stick it to the Man
If you hold your employees to a certain level of compliance, then it’s only fair that you follow your own rules as well. After all, the classic phrase "do as I say, not as I do" exists for a reason, you know. As a boss, you should set an example, and the hope is that your employees work according to that.

Well, this boss definitely did not set the right example, and well, this is what happens. Workers lose patience, and then the employer ends up with a closed store when it was supposed to be open and an angry note on the door for everyone to see. This is not how you do it.
A Secret Message
A standing ovation here for whoever put this much effort just to secretly show the world what they truly feel about their boss. It really is a sort of "blink, and you'll miss it" situation. The creativity is very impressive, and they really got the ticket spot on.

The beauty in this one is that the boss might actually never find out, but he will need to catch on eventually after the employee no longer shows up to work since their week's notice is over. We want to know just how long it took their boss to find that note!
Called out HARD!
This one is supremely awkward. Yes, some people are married to noticeably attractive people. No, this does not give others the right to focus solely on them and completely ignore their significant other or friends, or whoever else may be sitting with them. We want couple equality on all fronts, people.

It’s pretty likely this waiter didn’t get a good tip, and if they have any feelings whatsoever, they’ll probably be pretty embarrassed to discover why. We think this is a pretty legitimate reason not to give the tip. We don't care if the food and service were incredible. Obviously, the latter wasn't.
Unnecessary Update
Leaving a note after clogging a toilet may seem like an embarrassing and awkward task, but it's the right thing to do. Whoever left the note in this particular instance showed consideration and thoughtfulness by updating others before they had the chance to discover the damage for themselves.

The note also suggests that the person may have been feeling unwell, which is a legitimate reason for the incident. While the assumption that the next person to enter the bathroom would be interested in knowing how they were feeling afterward may be naive, the note still serves a practical purpose. It's a small act of responsibility that can save others from a potentially unpleasant situation.
The Kindness of Strangers
It's heartwarming to hear about acts of kindness like the one Liz performed by paying for a stranger's parking ticket. Her generosity and compassion towards a random person not only helped them avoid a fine but also made their day a little brighter.

It's rare to come across such selfless individuals who are willing to go out of their way to help someone else without any expectations in return. Liz's act of kindness serves as an inspiration for others to spread kindness and positivity in their communities. It's entirely possible that the person whose ticket was paid forward this kindness to someone else, creating a chain of positive actions.
Monster Mash
The mention of a "monster" lurking in the attic definitely leaves us with a lot of questions. It's understandable that the workers had to make a quick exit after discovering the creature, as it could potentially be dangerous or unpredictable.

The note doesn't provide any additional information about the type of animal or creature in question, leaving us to wonder if it's a bat, raccoon, possum, bear, or even something more otherworldly like an attic goblin. It's definitely a situation that warrants further investigation, and we hope the workers will report back with more details soon. In the meantime, it's probably best to steer clear of that attic until the mystery is solved!

Now when the person calls their insurance company, they will at least have some basic information about who caused the damage. Unlike other notes on this list, this note wasn't written by the offended or the offender, but my a third party, making this one completely unique.
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